Anklebiter’s Guide to Narcan and Friends



Narcan and Friends PRINT

Narcan and Friends READ

Written by a fellow outcast in healthcare.

“Nursing, while a skilled profession, is not only for professionals. It’s for you, your
friends, siblings, coworkers and comrades. The more people understand how to
care for their health, the less dependent we are on a for profit, pharmaceutical,
patriarchal, overburdened health system.
I know that most people would doubt themselves as being capable of caring for
themselves or others in a daily or emergency situation. We don’t know how, it can
be grisly and scary. We don’t want to make it worse. But with the knowledge and
practice I believe you can do it too, or at least help until an ambulance comes.
The world is in better hands, thanks to us.
Some points I’ll mention you may be offended by, wondering why I felt the need
to mention it. One reason is to be comprehensive, skipping on basics can have
dire consequences. And, prevention is by far the best treatment. This is in hand
with being prepared, which is why you’re reading/sharing this.”


(please don’t sue us Sanrio)